On the 3rd May 2017, men’s clothing and accessory brand, FIDIR, launched with its debut range for Spring/Summer 2017, at Six Storeys, Soho, London.
FIDIR is inspired by the hillscapes of the Scottish Highlands and Islands. It is the magic that is to feel and experience this rarefied part of the world. It is about exploration and discovery.
Wanting to ensure the prominence of the Scottish connection, the collection isn’t shy of a few clues, from the Scottish Gaelic name, whose meaning is at the heart of the brand’s identity, to the earthy tones of our colour palette and the sweeping curves of our designs evoking the landscape of the Highlands. To these Scottish nods however, as, if not more cognisant is our collaboration with Highlands-based artist Hermione Gibbs, whose dreamlike paintings of her beloved home surroundings form the linings of our accessories range.
We at FIDIR are lovers of the natural environment and accordingly, the wildlife of the Highlands is truly dear to us. Our logo is the feather of one of Scotland’s most iconic creatures, the Golden Eagle, which of late has seen a remarkable resurgence. Soaring over swaths of the ethereal landscape that so inspires us, its feather is a fitting emblem.
As a symbol of the honourable virtues of trust, wisdom, strength, and freedom in Native American culture, the feather carries an added significance for us. A Golden Eagle’s feather is among the most treasured gifts that one Native American can give to another. We mark our products with this venerated practice in mind and hope that you too will carry our feather with pride.
We at FIDIR would like nothing more than to encourage a similar passion for the outdoors and hope that through our products many more people will discover the magic of the Highlands and Islands.
Below are the speeches from the owner Justine Dalby and Creative Director Eddy Downpatrick.
Justine’s speech
Good evening,
And many thanks to all for coming.
I’m Justine Dalby and I have been involved in managing this fabulous project from day 1.
I am delighted to introduce the new brand FIDIR to you all.
We are all very excited about an idea sparked some time ago by Eddy coming to fruition.
I will shortly introduce you to the founder and Creative Powerhouse behind the brand (the very fun and enigmatic) Eddy Downpatrick.
However, before I do so, I would very much just like to add that it has taken a team of dedicated and passionate people a huge amount of time and work to get to where we are today; lots of people have been involved, particularly thanks go to, Jack, Andrew, Leigh, Sabina, Victoria and of course Eddy.
Not to mention the most talented and delightful Hermione Gibbs, whose paintings have brightened and jazzed up some of the launch collections key pieces.
I hope you like our launch collection, there will be more coming.
With no further ado…… I introduce Eddy, to say a few words.
Eddy Downpatrick – Creative Director & Justine Dalby - Owner
Eddy’s Speech
Thank you, Justine, and thank you all for coming. It’s great to have you all here and really nice to see so many friends.
I’d like to reiterate the same thank yous as Justine and thank her in turn once more. It’s been an absolute pleasure getting to this stage, FIDIR team, and much do I look forward to the next.
A big thank you to the Black Isle Brewery for partnering with us and providing one of the treats in tonight’s goody bags, and so too to Tomatin Whiskey for doing the very same and supplying the recipe for tonight’s cocktail (which I strongly recommend).
Flora Ogilvy, and her digital arts platform Arteviste I’d like to thank very much for their recent feature.
And to the Gentleman’s Journal, to Patrick, Holly, and Hugh, I’m most grateful for all the support you’ve provided hitherto.
Last but by no means least, I’d like to thank the artist responsible for the dreamlike paintings lining much of this launch collection’s bags and accessories, my best friend since we were nippers, Hermione Gibbs. I hope you all get a chance to look at not only the works featured in our collection, but the whole of her spectacular magic-realist cum contemporary fauvist portfolio.
Thanks again … and if you’d like proof of this alleged ‘funny and enigmatic’ side, I suggest you come have a chat. Look forward to catching up with you all. Have a good night.
Eddy Downpatrik – Creative Director & Hermione Gibbs – Artist
Here are some of the great photos from the night.
Freddy Windsor & Eddy Downpatrick
Leo Alsved
James Sainty
Eliza Moncrieffe & Alexandra Moncrieffe
Jack Warner, Sabina Hodson & Andrew Roberts
Victoria Atkins & Leigh Coppock
Ali Lindesay-Bethune
Francisco Garcia & Josh Williams, Mr Hyde
Annie Ross-Edwards, Katie Smith & Lucy Billings
Alexie Kelaty
Patrick Tillard, The Gentleman's Journal
Freddie Haines
Stanley Zhu
Ginevra Fiorentini & Piero Tomassoni
Libby Day & Jamie Kerr
Mundy Miller & Mary Miller
Serena Guen, Suitcase Magazine & William Macleod
Candice Lambeth, Hugh Anderson, James Sainty (crouching), Alex Sainty, Annie Ross-Edwards, Lucy Billings (crouching), Freddie Haines & Katie Smith
Charlotte Ollivia, Hearst & Red Rainey
Tom Zinovieff & Poppy Booth
Tamara Czartoryski & Jessica Crofts
Vitaly Gubski & Ben James
Melissa Brabury, Jessica Crofts, Tamara Czartoryski & Jess Robertson
Nick Green & Nouri Verghese
Michael Marks & Robbie Parry
Tatiana Cheneviere
James Sainty, Mundy Miller, Justine Dalby & Bart Miller